Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why the number 7 follows Michael Douglas

Why the #7 number follows Michael Douglas...Both he and Catherine Zeta Douglas are born on the same day..but of course in different lets stick with his..9 25 1944..he is born on a 7 day..and all his numbers add up to a him a 7 lifepath..if you notice he has also had a bad boy image..and good looks.....and he is an actor..this fits the 7 to a t..oftentimes because they are hard to reach emotionally they are good are playing roles..and attracting the bad good as this is, there is the other side too..they are prone to injury and always worry about thier health..and they tend to second guess themselves..they dont make friends easily and keep a hand off approach until they trust someone..and im sure he is no exception to attract him you will need to be dummies need dont to his health issues sadly he was told mid year he had throat cancer..and here is where its get interesting..the month was august and the date was the 16th..and that is a 7..he was also once sued for 25 million and he and Catherine are 25 years 1980 which was a 7 year of injury he was in a ski accident and did not act for 3 advice to him would be not exert yourself on 7 16 and 25 days..those are rest days and should all he can to avoid anything else. This is esp true with his present health condition..and just yesterday 12 7 it was reported that it was getting pulling for him, and hoping not..If anyone knows him that is reading this..please pass it on..i think he would find it very helpful to know about this very important connection..

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